One word I learnt recently is “Physiognomy” which basically means the art of assessing a person’s character or personality from their outward appearance especially their face. In my search for more understanding of the subject, I came across another word “Pathognomy” which means the art of discovering the character of a person by observing their


The Pivotal Role of Food in the Bible: More Than Just Nourishment (Part 2)

In Part 1, we saw how food served as a test of obedience in the stories of Adam and Eve, and Esau. This week, we have refilled our gas cylinder, let’s cook! The Wilderness: Food as God’s Provision As the Israelites journeyed toward the Promised Land—a land described as “flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus

The Pivotal Role of Food in the Bible: More Than Just Nourishment (Part 2) Read More »


In Nigeria, there’s a popular card game called JACKPOT. The rules are simple and straightforward: you are given a set of cards that have been shuffled, typically about 4 or 5. The goal is to ensure all your cards either match in shape or number. Once you achieve this, your teammate needs to say “JACKPOT”

JACKPOT!!! Read More »

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